Oleksandr Demchenko, Ph.D. in History, College of Law National University «Odessa Law Academy», Odessa, Ukraine.


The article is discussed the activities of the USA diplomatic mission in the Crimea in April-November 1920. The focus was on military economic cooperation and the support of the armed anti-Bolshevik Russian movement in the Crimea) by the USA. The military economic relations of the Crimean government constitutes materiality with the responsible structures of the United States. Maintaining contacts with General P. Wrangel, the administration of the President W. Wilson was not limited to only one formal and populist statements. Military and economic support of the armed anti-Bolshevik Russian movement by the USA in the Crimea had began before the resolution of official recognition of the Crimean government was asked. Assistance provided by Washington to Simferopol has strengthened the Russian army and played a direct role in the events of the civil war in the Crimea in April-November, 1920. The USA mission was headed by rear Admiral N. McCully on his hand, and the Crimean government of General P. Wrangel on their hand, have made significant efforts in the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations. Both sides were able to make attractive conditions for the normalization of economic and military cooperation showing in practice the ability and desire to engage а constructive dialogue.

Key words: the USA, Crimea, diplomatic mission, P. Wrangel, military-economics relations.

Full text


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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2016.01.49-57