Iryna Tykhonenko, Ph.D student, Department of international relation and foreign policy, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine


The article deals with the relationship between Pakistan and the US in the context of the Afghan problem. The existence of territorial issues and common threat of terrorism in the PakistaniAfghan relations became a background for Washington in creating a common political line to both regional states. Negative characteristics of this approach from Islamabad contributed to avoid using the term «AfPak» by the presidency of Barack Obama, but such approach in US foreign policy remains. The dynamics of bilateral contacts are described by the evolution of American AfPak concept and model of the Afghan settlement after 2014. The Islamabad gradual distancing from fairway of American foreign policy and attempts to play a key role in Afghan settlement gives an opportunity to assert transition from submission format to partnership dialogue between the US and Pakistan. The author concludes that the national interests of Washington and Islamabad in resolving the Afghan issue has an impact on regional security in South Asia. The priority for Pakistan is to prevent India’s involvement in resolving the situation in Afghanistan. In turn, the US has distinct interests. The collaboration with the Indian side as a tool to deter China is very important for Washington, but has a negative effect to the level of confidence in the Pakistani-American cooperation.

US, Pakistan, Afghanistan, AfPak strategy, the Afghan factor, terrorism

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