American-British relations and the Great Britain in the European Union’s security policy in the context of the Brexit process
Andrii Hrubinko, PhD (history), Associate Professor, Post-Graduate Student Insitiute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The article examines the historical peculiarities and influence of the AmericanBritish “special relations” on the Great Britain’s partaking in the European Union’s security policy in context of the “Brexit” process. The essence of the US-British “special relations” has been briefly analyzed. The historical transformations of the position of British leadership on different periods prior to the development of the Common (European) Security and Defence Policy in the context of the dichotomy of the European and American directions of the UK’s most recent foreign policy has been shown. The distinguishing features of the US administrations’ position towards the autonomy of the military-political and defence mechanisms of the European Union have been considered. It is concluded that US-British relations had become one of the determining factors of the European policy of the state, a problem and a contradiction, which had always been stimulating and constraining it at the same time. The withdrawal of the kingdom from the EU might either deepen the asymmetric nature of the US foreign policy, security and defence ties or give a new impetus to the cooperation of the European Union. The implementation of one of the scenarios will therefore depend on the willingness and ability of Europeans to develop co-operation in this area, and the position of the UK after the exit from the EU will no longer be decisive. The US-British relations could be an incentive to deepen the UK’s European integration, which, as the most credible EU foreign policy, security and defence leader, has been able to stay at the bull’s eye of the renewed transatlantic security field.
United Kingdom, the United States, European Union, Security and Defence Policy, Common Foreign and Security Policy
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