Ludmyula Vovchuk, Ph.D. in History, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

Oleksandr Tryuhub,Doctor of History, Professor, Petro Mohyla Black Sea state University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.


Russian-American relations are back to the XVIII century. Longstanding and fruitful contacts in various fields and at various levels contributed to establishment of official diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States. This is the first communications of American scientists with St. Petersburg, and direct trade contacts, which began to develop after 1783, as well as the well-known correspondence between Jefferson and Alexander I in the early nineteenth century.

In a further rapprochement of the two countries contributed to the development of the late eighteenth century and in the early nineteenth century mutual trade, especially the flowering of Russian-American trade embargo followed the withdrawal in 1807 and the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1809.

During the continental blockade, American ships began regular visits to Russian ports. Thus, the navigation in 1810 200 ships under the US flag came in Russian ports.

A treaty of commerce and navigation, which was signed between Russian Empire and the USA in St. Petersburg December 18, 1832, had a very important sense in the development country’s relatives. This treaty was signed by Russian Foreign Minister K. Neselrode and US ambassador J. Buchanan.

The US sought to increase trade between the countries, when country signed this document. Since Odessa was the largest port city south of the Empire and given free port, which operated from 1820, the United States in 1929 established Consulate in Odessa, thus giving rise to the development of diplomatic relations with the US and Southern Ukraine.

During 1832–1914 in Odessa there were 10 consuls and vice consuls 7 that being as stimulate the development of relations between the US and the Russian Empire, cared about American subjects who lived in Odessa and reported on the internal situation in the region.

Active cooperation between the two countries helped to create the South of Ukraine favorable economic conditions for the rapid enrichment and output it on the international scene. Such a course of diplomatic relations between Russia and the US contributed to further cooperation between them

diplomatically relations, consul, consular, Russian empire, USA, South of Ukraine

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