American policy in Black and Mediterranean sea basins during the World War I
Oleg Mashevskiy, Sc. D. (History), Professor, Head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries Faculty of History Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.
In this paper we intent a source-based analyze of the main directions of American policy in Black and Eastern Mediterranean Sea basins during the World War I (WWI). We emphasized that the United States taking in account their robust economy and a large commercial fleet were highly interested in freedom of maritime navigation, especially in Bosporus and Dardanelles straits.
Before entering the WWI, the USA conducted an intense diplomatic policy in this region due to American ambassador in Constantinople Henry Morgenthau brilliant efforts: he kept abreast of course of events and informed regularly Washington, D.C. Noteworthy, the USA not only maintained their diplomatic connections with Porte, but also provided a humanitarian assistance.
After the USA entered the WWI in April 1917, American diplomatic service managed to change substantively a perspective of post-war settlement and insisted heavily that strategically situated Constantinople and Black Sea straits had not to be controlled by any of leading countries. They are ought to be placed under international control to secure a free maritime navigation and to keep the balance of power in Black sea basin, in Asia Minor and in Near East. W. Wilson’s policy in this region is examined in the context of his intents not only to protect American national interests but also to prevent world armed conflicts in future, as well as to create an international system of foretelling of wars, aggressive actions of countries or military and political alliances.
Mediterranean, Black sea, Constantinople, Bosporus, Dardanelles, the USA
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