U.S. policy toward China under the administration of Donald Trump
DOI: 10.17721/2521-1706.2021.11.4
Nataliia Gorodnia
Dr. Habil. (History), Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
This paper intends to describe and discuss the major shifts in the U.S. policy toward China under the administration of Donald Trump. Methodology. The research is based on historical methods, including a chronological approach, a study of primary sources and a comparative analysis. The developments in the U.S. policy are considered at the background of new strategic approaches and their implementation on the bilateral and regional levels.
Conclusions. The paper suggests that a shift in the U.S. policy toward China started in 2018, and it was caused by a new understanding of «China threat» for the U.S. economic and strategic interests. Strategic documents of Trump administration defined China as the most important competitor and «a revisionist state» that sought to dominate in the Indo-Pacific and to shape the world antithetical to American values and interests. The new understanding resulted from more assertive China’s policies in the East China and South China seas, its global expansion through «One belt–one road» initiative, a sharp technological and ideological competition with U.S., and other factors. First and foremost, the policy change manifested itself during U.S. – China trade war, and Trump’s attempts «to decouple» their economics. Regionally, Trump administration proposed and sought to implement «a free and open Indo-Pacific strategy» to promote a rule-based regional order together with U. S. partners at the multilateral and bilateral levels. D. Trump dropped any reliance on cooperation with China on North Korea denuclearization, and he became the first U. S. president who started a direct dialogue with the supreme leader of DPRK. American government lifted self-restrictions on contacts with Taiwan officials, however within «one China policy». U.S. Congress voted for a series of sanctions against China for the human rights violation reasons in Hong Kong and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Trump’s China policy had a bipartisan support. As a result, it was expected that a new administration would not change the policy in substance.
Key words: the United States, China, U.S. foreign policy, Donald Trump administration, U.S.–China relations.
Submitted: 11.04.2021
Full text
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