DOI: 10.17721/2521-1706.2019.08.04

Myroslav Baraboi

PhD student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article are investigated the domestic historiography of French-Canadian nationalism. The article analyzes approaches to French-Canadian nationalism, both by researchers in independent Ukraine and by representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada. It is noted that the domestic historiography of the French-Canadian question can be divided into four directions: the genesis of French-Canadian nationalism; research about the status of the French language in Quebec and Canada in general; the relations between Quebec and the Federation Center; «Quiet Revolution» in Quebec and the French-Canadian national issue at present. It is established that in the research of French-Canadian nationalism in domestic historiography, some researchers focus not only on the historical aspects of this issue, but also on political and legal ones. This approach from the standpoint of theory of state and law allows us  better understand some aspects of French-Canadian nationalism. It has been found that most researchers focus their attention on the study of the French-Canadian national question of the period from Quiet Revolution in Quebec in 1960s and the 1990s. Attention also is drawn that this lack of coverage in the domestic historiography of the French-Canadian question of the period before the «Quiet Revolution» in Quebec needs further research to better understand the specifics of the problem. It is emphasized that due to the problem of access to Canadian archival sources when researching the issue in Ukraine, it is extremely important the recent publication of documents on the Internet, which can significantly affect the future prospects of  domestic historiography of the French-Canadian problem.

Key words: nationalism, Canada, Quebec separatism, Quebec, French-Canadians, domestic historiography.

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