Background and origins of Ukrainian-American mutuality
Мykhailo Kirsenko, DrSc (Dr Hab, history), Professor; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the Ukraine. Foreign Ministry; Academy of Management in Warsaw
The article analyzes origins of US-Ukrainian relation through describing first sporadic contacts of Ukrainians and Poles from Ukraine with America in the 17th and 18th cent., their participating in early pioneer settlements, Naval contacts (e.g. a story of American hero as a commander of Cossack Fleet ),naming some symbolic memorial places and ( like the Ukraine’s Embassy building and its role in the history of Washington D.C.), describing participation of some Ukrainians in the American Revolution (the War for Independence) and Civil War, Taras Shevchenko’s sympathy to American ideals, characterizing economic motivation and political causes of the main stages of Ukrainian mass emigration from Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire to North America in the 19th and 20th centuries. The author analyzes statistic data and reveals Ukrainian Diaspora density and distribution in various regions, compares the native Americans tragic destiny to Soviet genocides of Ukrainians, depicts the place and role of Ukrainian ethnic communities and unions in American society and politics, professional trades of Ukrainians in the USA, schools, public organizations, women movement, Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches, mutual assistance, choirs, music concerts, theatrical performances, folk art festivals, newspapers, revues, some names and examples of the most important Ukrainians’ contributions to the U.S. social prosperity and developments, technical inventions, scientific and cultural achievements. The great attention is also paid to the USA significance in support of Ukraine’s strive for democracy.
Key words: Ukraine, USA, emigration, Diaspora, wars, public orhanizations, culture, mutual impacts.
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