Serhiy Pron’, Dr. habil. (history), Professor, Pylyp Orlyk International Classical University


The article analyzes the possible directions of the current foreign policy of Ukraine. The need to use both positive and negative experiences exemplified by the US, Scandinavian countries, Turkey, Singapore, Britain etc. have been underlined. For Ukraine, there is not and there shall be no future other than the European integration, but this does not mean that Ukraine should throw away the experience of reformation, stabilization and prosperity of Asian countries.

The questions of the chance and opportunities of modern Ukrainian power have been raised lately. In the publication proposed, it is particularly emphasized that the new integration frontiers of contemporary Ukraine, its domestic and foreign policy, ways of overcoming the crisis of 2014-2016, its attempts of large-scale reform, the fight against corruption in many respects determine both the relevance and the novelty of the problems awaken. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of reforming and managing, existing and revealed under the lens of history, in order to take it on board and, if possible, apply it in the transformational processes of Ukraine, for its future European perspective and the future destiny as a full-fledged and respected regional actor in the international community.

Ukraine, the USA, Europe, foreign policy, diplomacy, experience, risk

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