Olga Zernetska, Dr. Polit. Sc., Professor, State Institution «Institute of World Нistory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»


The role and influence of social networks on American society is analyzed in this article. Cyber-attacks that threaten social activities as well as other risks for business, organizations, institutions, employers and employees are detected. Special attention is paid to changes of mass consciousness and private lives of American grownups and teenagers. The huge information stored in social networks is the wast field for cyber-attacks, huckers, abusers and so on. Social media expose users to predators like pedophiles and burglars; and spread false and potentially dangerous information. This problem is tightly interwoven with the problem of cybersecurity of institutions, businesses, politics, mass consciousness and individuals especially that of children and teenagers. Cybersecurity problems on American social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, are observed. The creation of national cybersecurity strategy of Ukraine with the emphases on humanitarian side of this issue is initiated. Influence of American social media on society (Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, FriendWise, FriendFinder) is characterized in the article. The problem of children’s and teenagers’ cybersecurity on the social media networking sites is of utmost importance in the USA. It must be admitted that violence and crime has become a part of social and private lives of American adolescents. Shots on an urban street and a school building are real facts. What they see in films, video games, TV news and on the streets also come to them also through social media.

Key words: USA, cybersecurity, social networks, Facebook, Twitter

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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2016.01.207-214