Parkhomchuk Olena, Doctor of Politics, Professor, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

Kononenko Mariya, PhD student, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv


Referenced article is the overview of the important scientific problem – determination of the power industry influence on the US-China international relations within the Persian Gulf region.

Persian Gulf region plays a really important role within the system of the global energy security. Hence, high importance is allocated to the power industry as Chinese factor of influence in the Middle East and its role in the US-China international relations. Within the post-bipolarperiod, political influence of China in the Persian Gulf region is substantially growing. US attempts to unilaterally control security in the Gulf is opposed by Chinese establishment of relations with those countries of the region, who are falling within its geopolitical and geoeconomical sphere of interst.

It is defined a set of peculiarities of China’s interaction with the other external actors in context of regional rivalry for influence in the region. It is proved that as China, unlike the United States, does not determine a general direction of geopolitical processes in Persian Gulf, US policy in the Region is the main external determinant for Chinese foreign policy strategy formation and implementation, and energy security of China will mostly depend on the level of cooperation and understanding between China and the United States.

It is proven that an essential tool for ensuring economic interests of China in Persian Gulf is to prevent strengthening of geopolitical influence of other external actors by creating alternatives based on potential of Chinese economy

 USA, Republic of China, Persian Gulf, energy factor, CCASG

Full text


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