Dmytro Lakishyk, Ph.D. in History, Senior Research Fellow, The State Institution «Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»


The article analyzes the doctrinal and geostrategic foundation of the US foreign policy in the period from George Bush to Barack Obama. We argue that the fundamental approach G.W. Bush was formally based on the concept of critical geopolitics, which made possible to use all known forms of influence to change the political and economic state systems in its focus. Further, we show that key means of implementing this strategy were: the rejection of isolationism and protectionism; focus on leadership as an alternative to isolationism; free and fair trade and open markets as opposed to protectionism; preventive influence on events.

The Obama administration demonstrates a clear commitment to multilateralism in making and implementing decisions that carry global significance. The proposed Barack Obama’s foreign policy strategy contains a number of important innovations of tactical and strategic nature: in particular, for the first time it combines all of the key tools of American influence – diplomacy, economic instruments, military strength and intelligence; national security forces to serve geopolitical interests. We discuss four aspects of the foreign policy – security; economic prosperity; promotion of «universal values»; strengthening of world order under the American leadership.

International political strategy of the USA maintains a global focus, which requires daily reinforcement of global leadership and safeguarding of the active ties with allies and partners. US maintain a unique set of tools that enable a targeted and multidimensional influence on the world economy and international relations. At the same time, US foreign policy is becoming more balanced and restrained, avoiding excessive obligations, risk or resources.

US foreign policy, the Strategy of «Global Democratization, National Security Strategy

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