Mytko Antonina, Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine.


In the article the scientific exploration of American experts communication. Determined that communication integrates research and development experts in sociology, political science, art, ethnology, journalism, law, philosophy, psychology and others. Proved that communication concerning a number of important problems of modern political science, namely the independence of the media from economic levers unbiased relationship between the media and democracy. Emphasized that accelerating the development of new means of mass communication of ideas leads to the restoration of true democracy that allows every citizen to participate in the life of their country. Analysis study of American specialists in this discipline. Characterized the development of modern scientific trends in the US, achieving the country in terms of democracy research information that can benefit research in Ukraine. communication US developed the basic concepts of Information Democracy and laid a sound foundation for further research. Followed the evolution of the network information in the US democracy, namely e-democracy, on-line democracy, digital democracy, Teledemocracy, videodemocracy more. It is noted that experts of the US claims that new technologies in a series of “information revolution” in the US led to major structural changes in policy. Thus, digital democracy provides invaluable detailed explanations on the use of major computer-mediated communication systems for political purposes. Teledemocracy as they explore the current status and future teleVoting, electronic town meetings and other initiatives designed to return the community to a true democracy.

Key words: research, communication, mass communication, mass media, informational democracy, e-democracy.

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