Foreign policy and diplomacy of the USA of the 21st century: the institutional and personnel aspect
Viacheslav Tsivatyi, Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, MFA of Ukraine, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is dedicated to institutional and human resource issues and stages of becoming the Diplomatic Service of the USA, including current issues rotation model the US diplomats and improve their professional skills.
The need for radical changes in the system of the foreign policy institutions and the advisability of reforming the diplomatic service of the United States were a conscious of the American political and academic elite in the mid-1990s. The events of September 11, 2001 served as a catalyst for renewal model preparation and training of diplomats and personnel management model in the US foreign policy and actualized disturbed in a study the subject. Diplomatic Service of the United States of America – traditionally a relatively small in numbers, but also the most competent, qualified and effective part of the foreign policy mechanism for the United States. It is the experience of the United States in many ways is a valuable and useful for the post-Soviet states in the context of the use of the United States experience, having established traditions and promptly and adequately respond to new threats and challenges of the globalized world of the XXI century in the context of the reform of the diplomatic service, which began in Ukraine.
The article covers the urgent issues of the renovation model of diplomats’ training in Ukraine on the basis of the analysis of experience of diplomatic service staffing of the USA. The USA experience is particularly important and useful to Ukraine in the context of government service reforms which have begun in Ukraine as well as in other post-soviet states in the frame of integration process and globalization.
foreign policy, diplomacy, institutions of diplomacy, Ukraine, the USA
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