John F. Kennedy president management style, preferably lessons for modern Ukraine
Sergey Pron’, Doctor of History, Professor, Nikolaev, National University of Culture and Art.
The article analyzes the “management style”, personnel, educational and diplomatic policy of US President John F. Kennedy. The author draws parallels and talks about the need for positive American experience in tmodern Ukraine, and, in fact, rises a question of chance and opportunities for Ukrainian authorities.
The author in his publication notes that the new European integration frontiers of modern Ukraine, domestic and foreign tactics and strategy of the Ukrainian establishment, methods of overcoming the crisis of 2014 – 2016 years by the credits from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the American, British, Canadian, German, Japanese, Chinese loans and other donor countries; tries and attempts for large-scale reform processes and effects of lustration and selective fight against corruption largely determine the relevance and novelty of the issues raised. The article is to examine the American experience of the sociology of management of President John F. Kennedy administration, in order to take it into service and, if possible, apply it in transformation processes in Ukraine, for its European future prospects and future destiny as a full and respected actor of the international community.
In its conclusions the author stresses, respecting all states of the world, the fact of the presence of the leading actors, superpowers, including the dominant role played by the United States. So borrowing experience of this state allows politicians to reform and Ukrainian society more subjectively. It is important to study American history also because of the development of mutually beneficial relations with Ukraine, despite the fact that the US is now providing vital support for Ukraine not only in carrying out internal reforms, but also in the fight against foreign aggression
USA, Ukraine, Kennedy, style management, experience, reform
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