Middle East foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration
Yuriy Skorokhod, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
The article deals with the US policy in the Middle East under President Obama and the factors that influenced Washington’s Middle East policy in terms of the transformation of the regional environment. The main focus is on detection and investigation of features of Obama’s administration Middle East policy. The factors that led to the transformation of US policy in the region, especially during the Obama administration and the consequences that will further weaken the US position in the Middle East are analyzed. The reweaving of American interests and strategic priorities of the United States in the Middle East in the new global and regional geo-strategic realities are described. The attention is focused on fact that the feature of Obama Middle East policy is that there appeared a significant gap between its rhetoric (declaration of political intent) and practical implementation of the ideas proclaimed. Internal factors affecting the determination of the Middle East polity Obama administration, including negative attitudes of Americans to further US military involvement in the conflict in the Middle East are characterized. The article determines that the Obama’s administration Middle East policy can be characterized as mainly reactive pragmatic approach, which included situational responses to the challenges that faced the United States.
the USA, the Middle East, the B. Obama administration
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