Modern Ukraine in the light of concepts by American scholars
Tetiana Orlova History, Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article describes the conclusions of modern American scholars on the general tendencies in the development of the world and its specific parts in their meaning for Ukraine. For the first time in Ukrainian historiography, Ukrainian reality and prospects are analyzed in the light of conclusions by renowned American scholars.Great attention is paid to next concepts: R. Collins’s concept of the collapse of the USSR – place and role of Ukrainian independence establishing in disintegration process on Soviet political area; Zb. Brzhezinski’s view on the geopolitical and security role of independent Ukraine at the European continent, its meaning to the imperial intentions of Russia and American position in the region; S. Huntigton’s theory of the “clash of civilizations”, its conclusions for Ukraine as civilization-separated country; Ukrainian modernization process are analyzed through A. Toffler’s thoughts on the Great Waves and the future shock; prospects of Ukrainian society’s evolution through the characteristics of the post-industrial society by D.Bell and other analysts. The author concludes, through summing the ideas of named scholars and applying their methods to analyze modern Ukraine history, politics and economy, that the humanity entering the era of post-industrialism is the second crucial and unique chance in the newest history for Ukraine, after its independence, to succeed in building the national state, economy and nation, for the entire Ukrainian society in consistence with modern demands.
Key words: civilization, Great Waves, future shock, post-industrial society, modernization
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