Yulia Panchenko, Ph.D. in History, Assistant Professor, Sumy State University


The article discusses the process of changing political doctrines in international politics by Ronald Reagan. A neoconservative ideology offers idea of restoring American greatness in the 21st century. It incorporates the principles of political power and geopolitics, of stable democracy, economic prosperity. His political ideology – neo-conservatism – based on free markets, low taxes, and less influence of government regulation to private companies. Therefore, he was sure that stable and free economy could help in American military preeminence. President Reagan contributed mightily not only to the demise of the Soviet Union, but also to the democratic expansion around the world.

The first foreign policy goal of Ronald Reagan was crushed the communism and USSR. His international politics, which became known as the Reagan Doctrine (this Doctrine is consist from some doctrines), was based on new policy towards the Soviet Union – to confront the USSR and on supported anti-communist groups around the world. The One of Reagan’s proposals was the Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan believed and was sure this defense shield could stop nuclear war. The next step in this policy was to decrease Soviet URL to high technology and depressing the value of Soviet commodities on the world market. After that was new doctrine to reached eliminating ballistic missiles, or nuclear weapons altogether. Results of Reagan’s foreign affairs is the destroyed Soviet Union. The next main direction of Reagan international politic was the politic of hegemony in Europe. Reagan doctrines was foundation for America’s military primacy, on which freedom still depends and most visible was the massive American military build-up.

Neoconservatism, R. Reagan, the Cold War, SDI, Reagan Doctrine

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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2016.02.22-31