Official online resources for studying Canadian immigration policy from 1976 to 2012
Mariia Burtseva, PhD student of the Government Organization «The Institute of the World History National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine
The challenges of immigration processes caused the crisis of a multiculturalist and tolerant society. Thousands of refugees and immigrants with different backgrounds are looking for their new home. Studying successful experience could give us an opportunity to understand the way of reaching tolerance in this multicultural world. One of the regions with successful experience is the Canadian Federation. Owing to the development of its own immigration policy in the 1960s, Canada gave a new life to immigrants and refugees from different regions. The article shows an importance of web-sources for them who examining this area. It shows official websites of Canadian authority both at federal and provincial governments. Especially it analyses the Senate and the House of Commons, the GovernorGeneral of Canada, ministries and the governments of provinces and territories. The general scientific theory and such empirical methods as critical analysis, synthesis of sources and method of qualitative analysis of text messages are used. This paper describes the instructive possibilities of the official sources and availability of the materials. It focuses on documents, statistics, aspects of immigration policy, and information for prospective immigrants and refugees. Essentially, the article illustrates opportunities for those researches who work with these resources. And also it illustrates the importance of the materials for studying Canadian immigration policy from 1976 to 2012.
Canada, Immigration Policy, Online Resources, Federal Government
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