Inna Podbereznykh, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University Nikolaev, Ukraine.


The article attempts to analyze and consider implementation of foreign policy strategy of America on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations; highlights the geopolitical relations of the USA and ASEAN. Also examines the main trends of political and economic relations and international security in that region. In the article the expression policy, diplomacy, the second administration of President Barack Obama’s ASEAN countries. Showing realities relations of Southeast Asia and the United States identified the prospects for further cooperation. The interaction processes of regional and global interstate agreement cooperation are studied. It’s proved a significant role of the USA in the relations and regional security of Southeast Asian countries. The analysis highlighted a number of issues which remain as the subject of forecasting and researching of experts in history and international relations. It’s scientific reasoned that the hedging strategy of the United States are relative. For the states of Southeast Asia the US role was crucial and only on these countries depend whether they can’t or not bring to life their strategies. Strategies are a significant pragmatic alternative way to include a number of activities aimed to preventing and contrasting the destabilizing power. If Washington wants to support them, it will help to focus on the most effective diplomatic and economic aspects in the expansion of its influence on these regions.

ASEAN, APR, foreign policy strategy, national interests, regional influence, USA

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