Ihor Todorov, Doctor of History, Professor, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine.


The paper considers reinvention of geopolitical concept ‘Intermarium’ under modern conditions of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the role of the United States in the process. Against the background of Russian aggression there is rapid convergence of Romania, Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States in matters of integration and mutual response to the new challenges of the part of the common potential enemy. European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine is the basis for building really good-neighborly and partnership relations among Ukraine and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It is necessary to consider certain cultural and anthropological features of the proposed merger. Majority of potential members of this association belong to the hypothetical Balto-Slavic world. In the countries that would be able to join Intermarium, the population’s attachment to traditional Christian and national values is ​​rather strong. Intermarium could become a kind of the center to revive traditional Europe. The meaning of “Intermarium” is an informal anti-Russian union that would lead the western counter-action against Russia. The vision of a common enemy brings closer the positions of the Baltic States, Poland, Ukraine and Romania. Hoping to place the US military bases on its territory, Warsaw and Bucharest protect themselves from invasion. Developing a geopolitical project “Intermarium” has a number of benefits for Ukraine and the US. Among the aspects positive for Ukraine there are: to increase the country’s defense capacity; reducing the threat on the part of the eastern neighbor; further opening of the EU markets; introducing “European standards” in the country; strengthening Ukraine’s position on the world level; expanding internal funding of innovation and attracting innovation on the part of the partner countries and investments from the US.

Full text

Keywords: Intermarium, the US, Russian aggression, geopolitics, NATO and the EU.


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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2016.01.108-115