Natalia Yakovenko, Dr. habil. (history), Professor, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Galyna Piskorska, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article is aimed at tracing the role and effectiveness of the strategic communications of the United States in defending its geopolitical interests. The problem of strategic communications, as the authors say, has become popular in the world over the past two decades. It is mainly considered in the United States in scientific, political and commercial circles. The American political elites constantly adhere to their practical dominant: under every condition to preserve America’s strategic leadership and expand the range of those states considering American model of development to be the most optimal for their own policies. According to official documents of the Ministry of Defense, State Department and other US government agencies, many attempts were made to provide a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the significance of strategic communications in foreign policy and ensuring the country’s national security. It is stressed that to implement strategic communication in the world, the United States has a number of competitive advantages. Among them it is worth to distinguish the following: the continuing economic, military and scientific predominance of the United States in the modern world; the global system of controlled military-political and economic unions, transnational institutions; the predominance in the sphere of mass culture over the cultural influence of other powers; superiority in the global media over any other country in the world; excellence in the theoretical and practical development of the national concept of strategic communications.

strategic communications, USA, information opposition, public diplomacy, public relations

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