Structural and political features of multipolarity
Sergiy Tolstov, Ph.D. in History, associate professor, «The State Institution Institute of World History of NAS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine
The main trends in the forging of a multipolar international system are examined in the article. The paper focuses on the overall classification of forms of the system of international relations based on relations of material factors to evaluation of positioning of the leading countries on the international arena. The author reveales as peculiar and distinctive characteristics so some general rules of the implementation of international programs in specific political circumstances in the key periods of world history. The scientific novelty of the research comes from the comprehension of recent events and processes of political change in international relations, world politics that became intense and unexpected.
It is also demonstrated in the article that in the future a polycentric system can take different configurations, and the first evaluation reveals an increasing instability and confrontation in international relations in contemporaneous conditions of forging of the new world order. The development of international processes in that direction has been driven by Russia’s aggressive and conscious actions aimed at the destruction of the previous international order established during decades of efforts. Therefore, Russia tried to revise the universally recognized rules and norms in the international community.
In conclusions, the author stresses that the structurally multipolar system of international relations does not necessarily imply a relative equality in the balance of power among the potential major players. The difference in potentials and in common opportunities can be compensated by the ability of certain states to concentrate resources in areas of key priority, and to achieve results through aggressive, unexpected use of power tools or direct threats of using force, through informational and psychological pressure.
multipolarity, structure, civilization, balance of power, stability, confrontation
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