The activities of emigrant organizations “Lemko Union” in 1939 – 1944
Oleg Kazak, Ph.D. student, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.
Article is devoted to activity of the organization of emigrants from Subcarpathian Rus (Transcarpathia) by «Lemko Union» in the years of World War II. At this time representatives of emigrant circles submitted various projects of future state ownership of Subcarpathian Rus on court of the public: an autonomy as a part of Czechoslovakia, part of Hungary or the USSR, the independent republic. Activists of «Lemko Union» demanded join everything parts of so-called «Carpathian Ruthenia» (Subcarpathian Rus, Preshov Rus, Lemkovina) and accessions it to the USSR, opposed claims of Czechoslovakia and Hungary for this region. Leaders of the organization considered that during the initial period the Soviet leadership will support local Ruthenian culture, but gradually inhabitants of Subcarpathian Rus will organically perceive «higher» cultural forms – Ukrainian and Russian.
The basisof the source baseof work served periodicals of the organization (newspapers «Lemko», «Carpathian Rus»), and also archival materials. During the preparation of this article was conducted the content analysis of copies of Ruthenian emigrant press, that made it possible to reveal in detail the presentation of «Lemko Union» leaders relative to the future of national and cultural life in the Subcarpathian Rus. For further researches of history of the Ruthenian emigration necessary broader attracting the original sources, and also use of theoretical developments from area of comparative, microhistory, history of daily occurrence and other modern directions of the humanity.
Key words: «Lemko Union», emigration, Subcarpathian Rus, national cultural life.
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