Alexander Naboka, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University Ukraine


The article presents the process of the conceptual foundations of the modern American foreign policy, which, in the author`s opinion, was proceeding in the middle of the XIX century in Japan. After the Commodore M. Perry had opened the country for a trade with Western countries in 1854, the USA, for some time, tried to use it as their own protectorate. However, very soon, under the pressure of the domestic circumstances, in particular the Civil war between the South and the North, Washington was forced to change the strategy of the Japanese policy. The policy of the active cooperation with other Great Powers and the development of the conduct of business rules were taken. The author of the change of US policy in East Asia became Secretary of State William Syuard. He has made retirement a supporter of the old course – US Ambassador to Japan – T. Harris and appointed to his position his friend and supporter of Robert Pruyan. Pruyn became supporter of rapprochement with Britain. The new  geopolitical union finally took shape in the struggle against anti-Western movement in Japan in the mid ХІХ century. In alliance with other great powers, the US and the UK managed to defeat supporters of closing the country to foreign trade.

USA, Japan, W. Seward, T. Harris, the Convention of 1864

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