Mariia Kravchenko, Postgraduate Student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Based on sources, considering findings of American researchers, the article provides a detailed analysis of the Employment Act of 1946 in the USA and defines its role in the development of American society. Actuality of the chosen research is due to the presence of opposing estimates of the Act among American historians, the lack of researches related to this subject in Ukrainian scientific area and the possibility to use American experience to reduce unemployment in Ukraine.

This article contains a critical review of the conditions and ideas, under which influence the Act was implemented. The author also considered arguments of the followers and opponents of employment regulation in the USA. Besides, not only the main provisions of the Employment Act of 1946 in the USA are analyzed in the article, but also its historical consequences for the development of American society are revealed.

As a result the author proposes her own view on the problem of evaluation of the Employment Act of 1946. Based on this view the author proves that the debate around the adoption of this Act and its compromise completion became the key to influence of the Employment Act of 1946 in the USA even nowadays.

the USA, the Employment Act of 1946, «full employment» idea

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