The energy factor as an element of US foreign policy in the Persian gulf
Nataliia Slobodian, Ph.D. in History, main analyst, National Centre for Strategic Studies (Warsaw, Poland).
The meaning of the energy factor in the system of security US vital interests was investigated. The role of the region’s Gulf states in the energy policy of the United States was defined and the special importance of post-war Iraq in order U.S. energy security was studied. The sense of the energy factor was considered as a foreign policy tool that belong to the elements of «hard power». It was studied the instruments of political and economic cooperation between the USA and Persian Gulf countries. The energy strategy of the United States was detailed analyses, in the framework of which it was comprehensively studied the mechanisms for combating the energy dependence as well as the use of preventive mechanisms of the crisis management in the energy policy. It was defined the policy tools of oil security supply by the states of the Persian Gulf. The role of the US law «No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act of 2007/ HO Congress 2007-2008» as a political tool to ensure oil security of the U.S. was established. It is proved that in conditions of high dependence of the economic system from energy prices in the world market, the oil factor played the dominant factor in the anti-Iraqi company in 2003. It was noted the importance meaning for political stability of Iraq the Bill of Oil, which aimed to facilitate reconciling different religious communities in the country (Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds), through the distribution of state oil income among them.
energy factor, «hard power», States of the Persian Gulf
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