Ramila Bahlul Dadashova, Dr. habil., Associate Professor, Chief of the department of Caucasus politics, Institute of Caucasus Studies, ANAS Republic of Azerbaijan


The article analyzes the priorities of the US’ foreign policy. It is envisaged that the formation of the new system of international relationships of the USA did not only tend to keep hegemony, but it also tended to strengthen its position in the regions of the world which are economically developed and strategically important. The priorities of the US’ foreign policy are to get a foothold in the former Silk Way roots connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans and take control over the central communication system of the Eurasia, expansion of the NATO towards the East. The USA supports the idea of Germany and Japan being the permanent members of the Security Council for securing the US` security in EU and in the Far East.

Currently, the US interests in Asia find themselves in a conflict with those of any country tending to get domination in the region, especially of Russia. Given the USA and Russia using veto power against the decisions of the UN for the benefit of the own geopolitical interests, making inputs to the other government’s internal affairs, violating the international law norms, the weakness of the UN on resolving the member nations conflicts may lead to the collapse of this organization as well. Recently the USA supports the defense of the sovereignty right of the UN states and having reforms in the organization with this purpose.

the US foreign policy, diplomatic and economic relationship, the veto power.

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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2018.04.32-38