The history of establishment of the US system of medical insurance and Barack Obama`s medical reform
Oleg Mashevs’kyj, Doc. Sc. (History), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Miroslav Baraboi, Master student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article investigates the history of the shaping the medical insurance in the United States and the medical reform in the USA initiated by President Barack Obama, which is considered one of the most important achievements in domestic politics of the 44th US president. In particular, it is emphasized that the first attempts to introduce universal health insurance in the US took place in the early XXth century. Significant efforts have been made in the 1930’s by President F. D. Roosevelt. Based on important sources such as the World Health Organization’s Annual Bulletin, which provides important statistical data, an overview of the current state of insurance medicine in the United States and researched changes in the US medical system after the implementation of the reform have been fulfilled. In addition, the article analyzes the reasons for postponing the introduction of compulsory medical insurance for Barack Obama predecessors. Considerable attention is paid to the essence of Mr. Obama’s own reform, the difficulties with its implementation. The focus is also on why Obama’s medical reform was not became an obligatory for all population, although it was a major goal before its introduction.
medical insurance, USA, B. Obama, Obamacare, Medicaid, Medicare.
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