The impact of the cold war on US policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict
Vitalii Buzan, Ph.D. in History, Lecturer, NTUU «KPI», Kyiv, Ukraine
The article considers U.S. policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict during the Cold War. Special attention is paid to research the impact of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union on U.S. Middle East policy-making process. The article provides the information on debates and differences of opinion about U. S. policy toward Arab-Israeli conflict within American political and scientific circles.
During Cold War years the Arab-Israeli conflict was entangled in the global rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union. American leaders feared that the Arab-Israeli conflict could get out of hand and precipitate a Superpower conflict. The USA were interested in Superpower non-involvement in Arab-Israeli conflict and tried to avoid direct military confrontation with USSR in the Middle East. The United States was actively involved in the Middle East peace settlement, played a vital role in reaching disengagement agreements and peace accords.
The United States concentrated on a partial or an interim settlement and supported a process of step-by-step bilateral negotiations. The U.S. tried to exclude the Soviet Union from settlement of Arab-Israeli conflict and reduce of Soviet influence in the Middle East. The USA occasionally tried to reach consensus with the USSR on the general outline of a settlement between Arabs and Israel and issued joint statements on Middle East.
American conservative policy makers and analysts viewed the Arab-Israeli conflict through the prism of Cold War. In their point of view, the Soviet Union used the Arab-Israeli conflict as a means of penetrating in the Middle East, enhancing Soviet and reducing American influence in the region. Liberal policy makers and authors supported balanced and even-handed approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict and advised to resolve Arab-Israeli conflict and Palestine problem.
the USA, the USSR, the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict
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