The resource base of US military tourism and its regional features (case study: memories of the War for Independence and the Civil War)
Igor Smyrnov, Dr. habil (geography), professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article unfolds the peculiarities of resource base of military tourism (case study: the USA), in particular, the military-historical tourist objects connected with the American War for Independence and the Civil War. The division of military tourism into such subspecies as military and historical, armored, military-tourism, military-historical festivals and reconstructions has been described. The list of countries of the world – the leaders on the number of tourist arrivals and the volume of tourism revenues and the place of the USA in this register has been given. The following features of the US military-historical tourist objects associated with the War of Independence (1775-1783) have been revealed: the Washington Monument, the mansion of the first US president ”Mount Vernon”, the Yorktown Battle Museum and the Victory Center, the National Military Historical Park “Saratoga”, National Military History Park “Gilfort Courthouse”, US Military Academy “West Point”. The following Civil War-related (1861-1865) military-historical tourist sites have been named: the Lincoln Memorial, the National Museum of the Civil War of the United States, the National Monument “Fort Sumter”, the National Military Park “Shailo”, the Museum Battle of Antietam, Vicksberg National Military Park, Petersberg Museum of Fight, Gettisberg National Historical Park. The regional features of the US military tourism resource base in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries have been analyzed. The results of the analysis are summarized in the table, which states that the objects of the resource base of tourism related to the War of Independence are concentrated in four US states, namely, Virginia (2), New York (2), the Federal District of Columbia (1) and North Carolina (1).
military tourism, resource base, USA, the War for Independence, the Civil War
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