DOI 10.17721/2521-1706.2024.17.4

Oleksandr Milkov,

Master’s student, Education program «American and European studies», Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. This article delves into the crucial issue of the formation and evolution of the defense strategy of the Central region of the Alliance from 1949 to 1968. This region, being one of the most priority areas of NATO’s defense throughout the Cold War, holds significant importance for understanding the overall defense strategy.

The article aims to evaluate the North Atlantic Alliance’s defense strategy in relation to its eastern borders, trace its evolution during the first decades, and discuss the means used to increase its effectiveness.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in creating a holistic picture of the evolution of NATO’s defense strategy in relation to the Central region of a certain period of the Cold War, its components, and methods of strengthening.

The article’s methodological basis is general scientific (logical, synthesis, and analysis) and special historical (comparative-historical, chronological, periodization) methods. The following general scientific methods of research were used: historical analysis, comparative analysis, complex analysis, generalization, and systematization.

Conclusions. Over twenty years, the defense strategy of the Central region has undergone a significant transformation. At first, in the early 1950s, it relied exclusively on conventional forces, which had the task of delaying the invasion troops at the line of enormous water obstacles. But later, at the end of the decade, the strategy evolved to rely on nuclear forces, which were supposed to cause irreparable damage to the enemy. Which, as it became known later, did not live up to expectations. This factor forced the military leadership of the Alliance to balance both components of defense and change the strategy to be able to respond to a wide range of threats, from regional crises to military invasions. These threats could be solved by a large arsenal of means, starting with conventional defense forces and ending with strategic nuclear weapons.

Key words: strategy, NATO, USA, West Germany, defense, nuclear weapons.

Submitted: 28.01.2024



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