Nataliya Gorodnia, Dr. habil. (history), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The paper studies U.S. multilateral regional trade strategies in Asia Pacific during G. H. W. Bush, B. Clinton, G. W. Bush, B. Obama and D. Trump administrations. Based on a study of primary and secondary sources and a comparative analysis, the research defines continuity and differences in the administrations’ policies in implementation of multilateral regional trade strategies, as well as their impact on regional economic integration and U.S. role in it. The study provides a background for better understanding of D. Trump’s actions to withdraw U.S. from multilateral trade agreement Trans-Pacific Partnership. As a result of the research, we concluded the following. First, Asian Pacific region occupied higher priority in the U.S. trade policy agenda during Democratic Party administrations of B. Clinton and B. Obama than Republican administrations of G. H. W. Bush and G. W. Bush. Second, Democratic administrations used multilateral trade strategies and institutions more effectively not only with economic purposes but also as tools to engage U.S. in the shaping of regional architecture. Bilateral trade negotiations with regional nations were more preferable during Republican administrations and after economic crises. Thus, on the one hand, D. Trump’s trade policy partly correlates with previous Republican Party administrations. On the other hand, it contradicts trade strategies of all his predecessors, because they used foreign trade not only for trade purposes, but also for preserving and strengthening U.S.’ impact in East Asia with “soft power” tools. D. Trump’s trade policy, which is aimed at reaching short-termed goals, endangers American strategic interests and promotes China’s regional influence.

U.S., East Asia, Asia Pacific, foreign trade strategies, G. H. W. Bush, B. Clinton, G. W. Bush, B. Obama and D. Trump administrations.

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