Ukraine-USA: dilemma of strategic partnership
Lyudmyla Chekalenko, Doctor of Political Science, professor, Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
The article is devoted to the complex US-Ukraine bilateral relations in light of the fact that cooperation with the United States is the determining factor to preserve the sovereignty of Ukraine, sustainable global and regional situation and the progressive development of Ukraine.
It’s noted in publication that after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries after the fall of the Soviet Union, their contacts evolved differently, sometimes contradictorily, but always progressive. The Official visit of President of Ukraine to the United States in the May of 1992 promoted the establishment of Ukrainian-American relations, as the researcher claims. That was, properly, the beginning of the formation of legal framework of cooperation.
The author reflects on the cause’s questions about situational US attitude to Ukraine in the recent past, about the origins of the strategic partnership, the US support of our country in the recent confrontation with Russian Federation. It is emphasized certain crisis tendencies in relations that, in spite of intensive bilateral contacts during 1992, revealed the lack of understanding in the US of new political realities that have emerged in Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The researcher notes that Ukrainian side considers Ukraine-US partnership as strategic both in the past and today and hopes to watch the same understanding from the side of its strategic geopolitical partners.
Key words: US-Ukraine bilateral relations, origins of the strategic partnership, the confrontation with Russia.
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