Iryna Hetman-Piatkovska, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, «KROK» University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.


This article investigates the formation, development, and activity of the Ukrainian diaspora from 1920 through the beginning of 2016 in the city of Los Angeles. Provides an overview of the historical role that the Ukrainian Cultural center and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Vladimir, in Los Angeles, played in consolidating Ukrainian communities.

Noted Ukrainian major wave of migration to the United States and forming Ukrainian Diaspora in Los Angeles. The first wave of migration is at the beginning in 1880 and continued until the First World War in 1914, mainly from Western Ukraine those who are looking for work. The second wave occurred between World War I and World War II. The reasons were complex economic and political conditions of Ukrainian life. The third Wave distinguished political refugees during the Second World War and immediately after it. The fourth wave falls on the 90 years of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The reason is economic motives, namely the search for a better life and get a higher salary. Marked the fifth wave, which began falls on the 2014 – 2016 and continues today as a result of the Ukrainian political crisis and the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

Migration processes are determined by objective and subjective reasons, among which is the violent eviction, the result of war, genocide, social, economic, religious, personal or other reasons. Formation of the Ukrainian diaspora in. Los Angeles develop as permanently or temporarily due to migration.

Keywords: USA, Ukraine, Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian Culture, migration waves, Los Angeles.

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