Iryna Bratko, Ph.D. (law), Assistant professor, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv


The cooperation between countries with different levels of economic development in the field of the provision and use of international assistance becomes a key factor in international relations. The international assistance solves the global problems of mankind that require significant material and human resources. The United States of America is one of the most powerful donors providing the international assistance to the countries with poor economic development. This assistance is aimed at the economic growth and democratization of the society. The US support for thesecountries, including Ukraine, is one of the key areas of the US foreign policy, which requires detailed analysis and study. The main goal of the article is to investigate the key item and direction of international relations between the United States and the recipient states in the sphere of application and using of international assistance. This article includes the main theoretical and practical issues of the official development of assistance from the United States. The historical and political processes of providing international assistance according to the Marshall Plan after the Second World War have been considered. The empirical part of the investigation focuses on the international contract relations between Ukraine and the United States in the field of the provision and use of international assistance. The author also determines the political aspects of implementation and application of the foreign aid from the United States. The issues of the provision and use of assistance that Ukraine had been receiving over the years have been explored. The author also determines the political and legal aspects of implementation and application of international aid from the United States. The main content of the foreign policy of the United States has been determined in relation with the recipient states in spheres of application and using of international assistance. Special attention is paid to the issue of providing grants as the most effective form of assistance from the United States. As a conclusion, the author notes the peculiarities of providing foreign assistance by the United States, as well as the provision of military technical assistance and a broad interpretation of US national interests in the provision and use of assistance from the US Government.

international assistance, foreign aid, international agreement, donor, recipient states, the United States, US government, official development of assistance.

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