US nuclear non-proliferation policy and Ukraine
Oleksandr Potiekhin, Dr. Habil in History, Major Researcher, Institute of World History, National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine.
The article deals with some aspects of US policy in the sphere of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and Washington’s influence on the processes denuclearization Ukraine in 1992-1996. In particular, presented the goal of the United States to implement the principle of control over the nuclear weapons of the former USSR and persuade former Soviet republics to become a nuclear-free states, joining the Proliferation of nuclear weapons. In the article are two basic positions of official Washington on nuclear disarmament, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, one of which was intended to balance the nuclear potential of Russia so that neighboring countries have the right to maintain its nuclear potential, and another idea was in fact to concentrate all Soviet nuclear capability within one country – namely, Russia. Violation of “guarantees” Budapest Memorandum and the lack of capacity to curb Russian aggression nuclear-free Ukraine are analyzed. The paper presents the opinion of the first US Ambassador to Ukraine Robert Popadyuk inefficiency and lack of thought on key provisions of the Budapest Memorandum. It has been suggested that the refusal of Ukraine of nuclear weapons and the signing of non-use and non-proliferation, our country really has not been any concrete and practical guarantees of territorial integrity and security guarantees from the state, which had to ensure the security of Ukraine. Which resulted in the annexation of the Crimea and the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Showing detrimental aggression of Russia against Ukraine for the fate of the NPT and the prospects for nuclear disarmament. Attention is focused on the need for military and political assistance to Ukraine from the United States.
Full text
Keywords: USA, Ukraine, the Russian-Ukrainian war, denuclearization, NPT, international security
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