US policy towards India at 2000–2010
Igor Gorobets, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Diplomatic academy of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
The India – U.S. relations due to globalization became strategically important at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The USA was willing to involve the world’s greatest democracy in promoting democracy in Asia. India was trying to use its strategic relations with the United States to strengthen its position in the world not only as a regional power having nuclear weapons, but also as a global player. The harmonious Indo-U.S. relations were endangered because of remaining contradictions regarding Pakistan, and to the asymmetry of the Indian-Pakistani relations. The Indo-US relations have a great potential of cooperation in the economic, political, military, technical and other fields.
In this paper, India’s social, politic and economical life after the USSR’s disintegration and coming to power of the INC are characterized. This period was marked by convergence and improving of the Indo-US relations. India ranks first in trade relations with the US. Therefore, the United States were interested in the further cooperation. It seems important that the US recognized the right of India to have the status of a nuclear state. At the same time, the United States followed a policy of neutrality in IndoPakistani conflict. During the 2000s – 2010s between India and the US was signed a number of agreements concerning, primarily, program of development of new technologies, space and militarytechnical cooperation. During this time, the official delegations of both countries repeatedly had joint meetings at the highest level. In addition, the article presents facts that suggest a common policy of both countries in maintaining of regional stability and a common position of China’s containment.
India, the USA, China, Pakistan, strategic partnership, nuclear weapon
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