US-Ukraine relationships in the light of the XXI century challenges
Anatoliy Khudoliy, Ph.D. in Political Science, Professor, Ostroh academy National University, Ostroh, Ukraine.
The article deals with the policy of the United States towards Ukraine from 1991 up to the beginning of 2016. Mainly, bilateral relations during 2013-2016 are in the focus of the author’s attention.
Main tendencies in the development of American-Ukrainian relationships in the context of Ukraine striving for euro integration and military conflict with the Russian Federation are analyzed. Political and economic aspects of cooperation along with international support of Ukraine by the United States during the above mentioned period are highlighted by the author.
Priorities of Washington, considering its own pragmatic purposes and national interests in relationships with Ukraine are distinguishes. Two-side relations in the light of Russian-Ukrainian war and Crimea occupation are analyzed. Important factors that reduce strategic partnership and weaken Ukraine as a state are described. Definite steps made by the USA in order to support Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war are observed. Ukrainian military units are being reformed by support of the United States of America. American militaries train Ukrainian Special Forces Troops in terms of multinational units. Military cooperation was initiated by Ukrainian Government and it indicates that the United States is ready to assist Ukraine in formation of professional troops that would meet the requirements of NATO standards. Providing financial and military support Washington persists on successive eradication of corruption in Ukraine.
Along with positive there are negative spots in the relationships. Despite numerous requests made by Ukrainian Government, representatives of Ukrainian Diaspora and American Congressmen, White House refused to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons. And there are reasons why it happened. First of all, the USA didn’t want to irritate Moscow. Washington is scared by threats verbalized by Moscow to start nuclear war if the USA doesn’t withdraw. America is dependent on Russia in solving the Middle East crisis. Both countries have to cooperate forging their positions on Iran, North Korea and so on.
Key words: the USA, Ukraine, US-Ukraine relationships, Russian aggression, strategic partnership.
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