Oksana Mitrofanova, Ph.D. (Political Science), Senior Researcher State Institution “The Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”


The article is devoted to investigation of cooperation between presidents Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron. The views of two presidents on global issues are studied; convergent and divergent elements of their positions regarding international questions have been highlighted. A certain discrepancy between the approaches of Trump and Macron in assessing the contemporary role of international organizations has been defined. The opposite stands of the two presidents have been revealed as follows: the policy of realism, protection of national interests and certain isolationism of D. Trump and the policy of idealism, interdependence and common resolving of the contemporary global issues of E. Macron. The approaches of Trump and Macron concerning the USA-France relations significance have been analyzed. The opposed positions of the two presidents towards the Paris agreement on climate change, which was signed by almost all countries of the world, have been highlighted.

It is concluded that despite their personal sympathies, D. Trump and E. Macron need to maintain an active dialogue, having the necessity to cooperate in resolving global challenges. Trump, being the leader of the single world superpower, is interested in continuing the partnership with the oldest ally, France, refreshing the Europeans’ memory on the topical need to increase their responsibility for their own destiny, rather than continuing to exist depending on American umbrella protection. E. Macron, having conceptual differences with D. Trump in approaches on a number of issues, such as the future of the Paris Agreement, believes that it is useful to negotiate with Trump and hopes that the American president would be able to hear the arguments of France.

Key words: corruption, Macron, UN, partnership, Trump, USA, FranceUSA and France.

Full text


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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2018.05.27-34