Sydun Iryna, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, I. Mechnikov National University of Odessa, Odessa, Ukraine


In this article the author tries to analyze reaction of regional periodical press on the problems of immigration in the USA in the second half of the 19th century. Analyze the main trends in the development of American-Ukrainian relations in the context of relations with the Russian Empire. Attention is focused on the coverage of the problem of emigration of the Ukrainian population of Kherson and Bessarabia provinces to the USA by regional periodical press. Displaying characteristics and causes the emigration of the population, including Jews from the region under study. For a complete and comprehensive coverage of the situation was taken for analysis of a number of publications, including “Odeskiy Vestnik”, “Bessarabskiy Vestnik” and “Uzhnoe obozrenie”. Showing different positions periodicals southern region of the Russian Empire. The role and functions of materials on the pages provincial immigration issues. Indicated that knowledge about the rules of immigration to the United States was not complete and some aspects of living overseas were not covered in the press at all. Attracted archives to confirm the existence of offices to sell tickets for travel and cargo ships to America for German companies. Displaying perspective on the situation of Russian journalists study period. Studied the idea of population south of the Ukrainian lands in the Russian Empire on emigration to the United States. Established that the Ukrainian people the idea of the huge wealth of the New World held key positions in Ukrainian image of America.

Key words: United States of America, emigration, population of Kherson and Bessarabia provinces, regional periodical press, American-Ukrainian relations.

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