Olexander Shevchuk, Dr. habil. (Political Science), Professor, Dean of the Political Science Department of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv


The article analyses the possible ways of transformation in US foreign policy during D. Trump’s presidency. For now, the foreign policy doctrine of the new republican administration has not been yet established. Given the operational actions of administration, one can underline the following surveys and limits of their implementation in foreign policy strategy: 1. Confrontation with Islamic terrorism, in particular with the Islamic State and international terrorism in all its forms and actions. 2. Relations with People’s Republic of China. The actions taken by the official Beijing in the sphere of economy have been criticized by the newly elected president even during his election campaign. One of the key determinants in Sino-American relations is position of the USA towards China in the regulation of the North Korean issue. 3. The informative fulfillment of relations with the European allies. In his speech during Brussels Summit of NATO (25-26 May 2017), Donald Trump declared that NATO members shall increase their defense costs to 2 % GDP, while now only five of 28 Alliance members accomplish that requirement. However, the USA repeatedly speak out against planned agreement about free trade between the USA and the EU – the Transatlantic trade and investment partnership. 4. The evolution of relations between Moscow and Washington. «Hot spots» of American-Russian relations are problems of Syria, Ukrainian issue, Russian position towards sanctions towards North Korea.

foreign policy strategy, principles of foreign policy, international terrorism, nuclear weapons program of DPRK, American-Russian relations.

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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2018.04.76-84