Olexandr Haladzii, Ph.D. student, «The State Institution Institute of World History of NAS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine.


The article contains basic overview of main trends in Australian-US economic relations in the context of signing the 2004bilateral Free Trade Agreement. The author reveals the causes and conditions of signing a Free Trade Agreement, considering the point of view of both parties to sign it, describing and analyzing the benefits and risks for both countries. The author notes, that since opening its market, Australia risked to get through the economy crisis because of the flow of American products, but at the same time received the support of the US in the security sphere. Washington received a new ally in the region and expanded the market for their products, the traditional way increasing influence in the Asia-Pacific region. Security cooperation obligations were more favorable to the United States in this situation. This arrangement had primarily a strategic significance rather than economic benefits for Australia. At the same time for the United States it was an opportunity to expand their markets in the region and increase the influence on the international arena. The signing of this Agreement had a substantial impact on the structure and dimensions of Australian foreign economic relations and contributed to the strengthening of Australian-US security partnership. And, also, it was one of the factors contributing to the strengthening of the Australian security and support on the way to the G-20.

Key words: tariffs, free trade, the United States, Australia, Asia Pacific region.

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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2016.01.162-167