DOI 10.17721/2521-1706.2024.18.5

Taran Maksym,

Рh.D. student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Technologies,

Grigorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Pereiaslav, Ukraine


Abstract. The humanitarian aid provided until 2024 by leading American and Western European volunteer organizations has become useful for millions of Ukrainians.

The aim of the article is to examine the activities of leading American and Western European volunteer organizations and charitable foundations in Ukraine during the modern Russian-Ukrainian war.

The scientific novelty of the article lies in the comprehensive review of assistance to Ukraine from leading American and Western European volunteer organizations and charitable foundations in the context of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. The methodological basis of the article was made up of problem-chronological, as well as analytical, comparative, and retrospective methods.

Conclusions. Leading American and Western European volunteer organizations started their activities in Ukraine in the early 1990s. Then they went through legal registration and work organization. However, until 2014, these organizations implemented programs related to environmental protection, entrepreneurship development, English language learning, etc.

With the beginning of the Russian military aggression in 2014 and the subsequent Russian occupation of Crimea and parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, American and Western European volunteer organizations provided humanitarian aid and psychological counseling to the victims.

However, with the beginning of the Russian full-scale military invasion on February 24, 2022, American and Western European volunteer organizations suspended their work in Ukraine. They restored it only after the stabilization of the front line. Until today, these organizations helped Ukrainians with food kits, medicines and hygiene products, and clothes. They also conducted trainings on providing primary medical aid.

Key words: refugees, charitable foundation, volunteer organization, humanitarian aid, The United States of America.


Submitted: 15.06.2024



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