French-American rivalry as a factor US foreign policy in Europe during the second half of XX century
Oleksandr Lozovytskyi, Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Konotop Instytut Sumy State University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
The article deals with actual directions of laws and the laws of international relations in the second half of the twentieth century. The author analyzes the main trends of French-American relations in the context of US foreign policy in Europe in terms of bipolarity. Attention is paid to interstate rivalry in geopolitical and military-strategic areas in the designated period. In context of the proposed composition methodology the author formulated new functional approaches to the changes of parameters of external surroundings of the state that provide formation of stable strategy of the development and preservation of its integrity and promote greater flexibility and suitability to internal and external changes.
The thesis covers the issues of evolution of French-American strategic relations and a role of the US foreign and security policy in the process of formation and development of French defense strategy. This interrelation is regarded a core problem of integration processes which have taken place within the Euro-Atlantic community during the 1960-90s. Peculiarity of development french-amerucan strategically relations reflects the specificity of role behavior of great power in contemporary international surrounding, in which the processes of regionalization and globalization are acting. In paper different aspects of mutual influence and military – political interaction between French and the United States of America are analyses. The political – ideological mechanisms of adaptation of French to new conditions of global development are examined in detail. Isis also an important factor influencing formation of political consciousness being an essential derivative of national political mentality
USA, France, foreign policy, military political strategy, international relations
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