From the history of symbolic politics in the american revolution («the tree of liberty»)
Mariya Filimonova, Doctor of Historic Sciences, State University of Kursk, city of Kursk
The Tree is one of iconic symbols, common in all cultures of the world. Its high vertical trunk can symbolize the Axis Mundi. The crown may be associated with the upper world, a shelter of deities or spirits. The renewal of spring foliage connects the tree with the idea of death and resurrection, and fertility. The emergence of the state adds political dimension to the symbolism of trees. The beginning of the revolutionary process in the colonies resulted in reformatting political symbols. The symbolism of trees changed, too. In America there were «trees of liberty» and «liberty poles». They became a symbol of protest, a meeting place for patriots and a place of punishment for the supporters of the metropolis (the loyalists). An ancient agricultural symbol has become a symbol of the revolutionary renewal of society.
The article examines how real trees, turned into a symbol of freedom, and the use of the image of the tree in the texts of the American revolution. The author also studies the parallel symbol of the «liberty poles». The appearance of the studied symbols, their main functions in the mobilization of mass protests and their spread beyond the United States are described. The source base includes the journals of the Continental Congress, materials of the ratification conventions, epistolary and diary materials, literary works.
American revolution, history of symbols, «liberty tree»
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