Globalization and the United States
Nataliya Gorodnia, Doc. Sc. (History), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The paper studies major concepts of globalization and focuses on its impact on the U.S. and vice versa. A concept of globalization as an American project to strengthen its global influences is noticeable in the academic discourse on globalization. However, a negative impact of globalization on the U.S. was one of the leading themes of D.Trump’s election campaign, and his actions as a President prove his intentions to implement at least a part of his election pledges. Globalization is viewed by scholars as a concept of global changes, mostly as process and an epoque we live in. There exists no consensus among them about the time when globalization as a process had started. Most often the scholars suggest that it has begun in th late 20th century, middle or late 19th century or earlier. The 16th century, though globalization is also considered as an earlier phenomenon of the world history. The scholars define several periods or waves of globalization with different major characteristics that determined separate historic epoques. These waves occurred with various dynamics in economic, political, social and cultural spheres, and in different parts of the world.
Obtaining major advantages and profits from globalization by the most powerful state, and vice versa, its transformation into the mightiest state due to the most effective implementation of opportunities that globalization provided, was a leading trend of the global development throughout history. In the 20th century, it was the United States. D. Trump’s acknowledging the globalization’s negative impact on the U.S. reveals that its global leading position in the second decade of the 21st century has diminished.
globalization, the United States, study of globalization, major concepts of globalization, D. Trump’s administration
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