Pavel Kryazhev, Ph.D. (Pedagogical Sciences), Mykola Gogol State University of Nizhyn

In the article we examine the mission of a Portuguese navigator Duarte Pacheco Pereira on the eve of Brazil discovery by the squadron of major-captain Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500. We emphasized on the extract of Pereira guide-book which narrates about order of portuguese monarch Manuel I to dispatch the squadron of indicated navigator for realization reconnaissance mission towards western land behind the Atlantic ocean. Within the context of hypothesis about the voyage of Pereira squadron towards coasts of Brazil we mention the existence of the magister Joao’s letter which tells about the ancient world map of the Portuguese navigator Pero Vaz da Cunha. This map represented new land which has been discovered by the squadron of major-captain Cabral. Also the map represented the western coast of Africa. We draw attention to the circumstance that this lost world map could clarify politics of the Portuguese monarch Joao II concerning the signing of Tordesillas treaty with the kings of Castilla and Aragon in 1494. We determined that on the eve of the abovementioned treaty signing the Portuguese monarch had protected his sovereign jurisdiction on the lands which would be discovered on the territory of the South Atlantic Ocean water zone. This fact is confirmed by the signing of Toledo treaty in 1480. We as well emphasize that Pereira had realized the reconnaissance of the Portuguese sector of the Atlantic Ocean towards Southwest direction behind the demarcation meridian in 1498. This act has been provoked by the necessity to ensure safety of the Portuguese sea navigation towards India.

geographic discoveries, Portugal, Brazil, Toledo treaty, Tordesillas treaty.

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DOI: 223