Evgenia Makarenko, Graduate student, Ivan Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


In the article “The Myth as a means of mass communication”, the main problem of the coherence of myth with the media has been revealed. Given the recent political events that take place worldwide, the subject proposed in the article stands out as a very to-date. After myths had invaded the mass consciousness of people, the former began shaping the future of the individual countries, regions and the whole world. This type of media has become a powerful myth translator in the public consciousness. The purpose of the study is to show how myth through mass media shapes the “correct” position, but sometimes the latter proves to be out-of-true.
The article singled a number of scholars investigating the proposed subject, i.e. G. Pocheptsov, O.Polisayev M.Myhalcheko, Y.Shayhorodskyy etc.
In general, the “mythologisation” of the information may result in the consolidation of society and may as well play a destructive role in the public life. Some researchers even tend to believe that mythologizing society is an extremely negative process, that myth is in fact a hidden form of aggression, that of totalitarianism. Thus, when one finds him (her) self under the power of myth, one ceases to be an individual. However, speaking impartially, then surely it should be recognized that the myth may serve both positively and negatively.
It is concluded that the media is one of the main means of influencing the shaping of the public opinion. It is also resumed that myths may act as the driving force of society’s evolution and may have special meaning thereto.

myth, political myth, social consciousness, mass consciousness, the media.

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2017.03.244- 251