Kateryna Vakarchuk, PhD in Political Sciences, Associate professor Odessa I. I. Mechnicov National University


 The article discusses the main changes of US foreign policy towards Latin American countries under the administration of D.Tramp. The new challenges and approaches to establishing relations between the countries of the Western countries are analyzed. A main visit to the countries of Latin America is considered by the representatives of the new administration of the USA, in particular Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Panama. Key issues of developing a common position on the crisis in Venezuela and the possibility of US military intervention on security issues, improving trade and economic cooperation and restoring democracy in Latin America.

The statements of analysis regarding the change of US policy towards Mexico relates to the construction of a new border in the form of a wall between two countries, the strengthening of measures on migration policy, the revision of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the positions of Mexico and Canada. The establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States was met D. Tramp’s critics. He said that he wouldn’t continue to declare strategy of his predecessor until the leadership, the political regime of the Cuba and the restoration of the rights and freedoms of citizens will change on the island.

Change in the relations between Argentina and the US in connection with the arrival of the new president of Argentina, official visits between the presidents of both countries took place. As for Venezuela, the most urgent issue is because the United States seeks support from the continent’s leaders for possible military intervention.

Key words: US, Latin America, foreign policy, relations, prospects

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DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2521-1706.2018.05.163-169